MBX NFT is the comprehensive NFT platform of the MARBLEX ecosystem.
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MBX NFT is the comprehensive NFT platform of the MARBLEX ecosystem.
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The Airdrop service allows users to lock up required NFTs for a certain period of time to receive new NFTs. Each airdrop pool has specific NFTs that need to be locked, and the reward NFTs may vary by pool. There is a snapshot time for each pool, and users can input their NFTs to join the airdrop. After the lockup period, the input NFTs are automatically returned to the user's wallet. Users can then reuse the returned NFTs in the airdrop pool to receive new NFTs.
The Claim service allows users to pay MBX to receive new NFTs. To claim an NFT, users simply submit MBX as the fee for each claim pool, without needing to submit any separate NFTs.
The Coupon service allows users to acquire coupons, which include text and images, by holding NFTs required for each coupon pool. These coupons can be for in-game items or gift cards for specific services or websites.
This service allows users to view their NFTs acquired through MBX NFT and transfer their NFTs to another address.
Can be staked, mined, and leveled up
Does not return to user upon input
Automatically returns to user after lockup period
No input required
Each pool in MBX NFT has its own pricing policy. Pools are divided into free and paid pools based on price settings.
The total cost is calculated by combining the pool price and platform fee.
The pool price is determined by the project team (3rd parties) onboarding the service and the platform fee is managed by the platform operator (MARBLEX).
Pools for each service are closed when the following conditions are met.
If all NFTs in the reward pool are exhausted.
When the pool's active period ends.
When a pool is terminated, it is no longer available to users and will be moved to the "Closed" list.
Staking v1
Claim fee: 2.5%
Staking v2
Claim fee: 2.5% NFT Unstaking fee: 0 MBX each
1 MBX or 5% (higher value applies)
0 MBX or 5% (higher value applies)
1 MBX or 5% (higher value applies)
0 MBX or 5% (higher value applies)
NFT Transfer (Inventory)
Platform fees may fluctuate based on pool price.