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Welcome to the NFT Adventure User Guide!
In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential features of NFT Adventure to help you get started on your journey. Whether you're a veteran or new to the blockchain world of NFTs, this guide will cover everything you need to dive in and begin your adventure.
Welcome to the starting menu of NFT Adventure! Once you’ve configured your language and adjusted other settings, simply click Start.
Select your preferred login method. If you don’t have an account, follow the sign up procedure for each respective platform.
After logging in, you will be asked to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Click Agree to All and then Register to proceed.
Read through the short tutorial messages or click the X in the top right corner to move to the next step.
This is the main lobby interface of NFT Adventure. Let’s briefly go over each menu to explore the available features!
First, let’s take a look at the top right corner of the interface. Here, you can check your Onion Points and adjust various Settings (⚙️).
Onion Points are the main resources for NFT Adventure. You can obtain varying amounts of Onion Points through daily attendance using “Check-in”, completing various challenges in “Today’s Orders”, or completing missions throughout the adventure.
These points can be spent on other features in NFT Adventure, such as changing your username or hiring and customizing Koongyaz, which we’ll cover in later sections. Clicking on the Onion Points displays your Onion Point History, which tracks your earnings and spending.
Next, try clicking the cogwheel icon to the left of Onion Points. The notable features here include changing your Username and linking to MARBLEX Wallet. If you’re new to the MARBLEX ecosystem, click MARBLEX Wallet Download to set up your wallet as it will be mandatory!
Once you delete your account, you won’t be able to sign up again using the same social media account, so please proceed with caution.
Also, feel free to visit the respective social media channels for Koongya Restaurantz and MARBLEX.
Next, let’s head back to the lobby and take a look at the menu on the right-hand side. We’ll explore the Story, Check-in, and Today’s Orders menus.
This menu offers a variety of Koongya-related content for you to enjoy. Take a moment to check out the hilarious content!
This is the daily attendance menu. Don’t forget to claim your check-in reward each day! A special reward awaits every 5 days!
Simply click Check-In Complete each day to claim your reward.
Daily Special! OX Quiz! Answer 3 true or false trivia questions to earn extra Onion Points! Each correct answer rewards 500 points.
Spinny Spinny Wheel! Spin the lucky wheel for a chance to win up to 1,000 Onion Points.
(Single-use) Social media challenges Complete simple social media tasks (follow, like) to earn extra Onion Points.
Now that you have stocked up on Onion Points, it’s time to set out for the main adventure!
The first step is to link NFT Adventure with your MARBLEX Wallet. From the top left corner of the main lobby, click Link to Wallet.
Sign in to your MARBLEX Wallet using your preferred login method. If you do not have a wallet yet, go to Settings to find the download link!
After signing in, you’ll encounter two consecutive pop-ups—first, you’ll need to Agree to the wallet link, and then Approve the NFT Authorization Request.
Connecting your wallet for the first time rewards 2,000 Onion Points!
Congratulations, you're now successfully logged in and linked! All that's left is to select your Koongya NFT and start your adventure!
Again, move back to the main lobby and let’s take a look at the menu on the left-hand side. We’ll explore the Storage, Hire, Start Adventure, Combine Ingredients, and Claim Special Gifts menus.
At Storage, you can view all NFTs in your possession. Think of it as your inventory! If you own multiple Koongyaz, you can select one as your Main Koongya.
Your Main Koongya is displayed at the center of the lobby. If you want to acquire more Koongyaz, head over to the Hire menu.
At Hire, you can purchase additional Koongyaz using Onion Points.
If you have enough Onion Points and spot a Koongya you like, simply click Hire. You can check the total and remaining quantity of each Koongya below the Hire button.
Once hired, the Koongyaz are not yet NFTs. You can find the freshly hired Koongyaz through Idle Koongyaz at the Storage menu. To start an adventure, you will need to Upgrade the Koongyas and turn them into NFTs.
Go to Storage and select Idle Koongyaz to see the list of NFTs that you haven’t upgraded yet. Select one and press Go Upgrade.
There are 3 categories that you can customize: Transform, Background, and Resolute.
In Transform, you can purchase different poses using Onion Points.
In Background, you can customize the color and pattern of the background.
In Resolute, you can add a catchphrase for your Koongya.
After completing the customization, press Reborn as an NFT to save any changes!
Note that you can still customize the 3 categories for your NFT by pressing the NFT at the center of the lobby or Upgrade.
Now it’s time to begin your adventure!
At Start Adventure, you can send the Main Koongya you selected from Storage on an adventure.
From the main lobby, either click Start Adventure or Let’s go! to begin.
In the next screen, you can check the available adventure rewards and stage description for the Planet you’ll be exploring. In this guide, we’ll briefly go over what needs to be done on Lava Planet. Click Let’s go!
Each Koongya can explore a Planet only once. For example, if an Onion Koongya NFT completes Lava Planet, it cannot revisit the same Planet. To explore Lava Planet again, select a different Koongya as your Main Koongya.
After pressing Let’s go, you will enter Lava Planet. Read through the Koongyaz’ dialogues and make decisions for them!
After completing your adventure on Lava Planet, new missions will be unlocked. Finish all missions to activate the The Adventure Begins button.
By clicking the Magnifying Glass (🔍) next to Adventure Rewards, you can view the rewards your NFT can bring back.
You can send your Main Koongya on an exploration by clicking Start Exploration. The Exploration Time on the top left indicates the time required for the Koongya NFT to bring back rewards.
Once you send off your Koongya on an exploration, the NFT will temporarily move to a different wallet to be “staked”. Once it completes the exploration, the NFT returns to your wallet.
After sending a Koongya NFT on an exploration, you’ll see the exploration status bar gradually fill up. Once it reaches 100%, you can click on it to claim Adventure Rewards.
After clicking What rewards are waiting for us at the end of this adventure?, you will receive all Adventure Rewards. Note that the “Transformation item” you get may vary depending on the choices you made on each Planet.
After your Main Koongya completes an exploration, it will level up! When you return to the main lobby, you’ll see its level has increased to 2.
Now that you’re familiar with the overall flow of the service, you’ll soon embark on adventures across all planets to gather the legendary ingredients!
What’s the next step? Keep reading to find out!
After collecting all 3 legendary ingredients throughout your adventure, you can combine them to create the Legendary Cuisine. You’ll get a pop-up message prompting you to Get Cooking.
In the next screen, click Let’s Make Legendary Cuisine. If you do not complete all adventures, this button will not be activated.
The total number of users who own Legendary Cuisine (a) and the total number of Legendary Cuisines (b) are displayed at the bottom as a/b.
Press Combine.
Congratulations! You have successfully created a Legendary Cuisine NFT! Click Go Claim Special Gifts to move to the next page where you can obtain Special Gifts.
At this menu, you can claim additional NFT rewards based on certain conditions. Let’s take a look at what “perks” are available.
If your Koongya is level 4 or above, you can claim a special gift called Koongya Award. This NFT can be used to exchange for other NFTs using the MBX NFT platform.
As the saying goes, "fortune favors the bold," and the Koongya Awards hold a special place in our hearts. Holders of this NFT can look forward to even more joy and surprises ahead!
If you’ve managed to obtain the Legendary Cuisine, you will be eligible to enter a raffle for a chance to win some exclusive Koongya merch! (Actual participation may be limited depending on your country of residence.)
After confirming your Main Koongya’s level at the top left corner, click Claim Special Gift.
In the next menu, there will be a list of Koongyaz from your Storage that meet the requirements. Select any Koongya and click Redeem.
Next, click Claim Special Gift to receive your reward.
Next, you will see a pop-up that shows you have obtained the Koongya Award.
You can check the history of your claimed special gifts at the Special Gift Gallery.
After selecting a Main Koongya, it will be displayed in the lobby as shown below. On the right side, you’ll see the Show Off menu.
This will allow you to share your customized Koongya on social media.
You can share your NFT with the community by pressing Show Off.
This is not only part of the missions on certain Planets but also useful for participating in specific community events.
You can also download your Main Koongya as an image or share them via social media platforms such as KakaoTalk, X, or Telegram.
This feature allows users to conveniently utilize NFTs within the service. MARBLEX collects a signature from users only once at the beginning and takes over the signing process whenever a signature is required on behalf of the user.
Once you approve this permission, you can safely and conveniently use NFTs on the service without needing any additional signatures after the initial confirmation of your MARBLEX Wallet transaction password.
To revoke NFT permissions, search for your wallet address in Kaia Scope and check the ‘Approvals’ status. Then, click the ‘Revoke’ button to revoke your permissions.