MBX Marketplace

MBX MARKETPLACE : NFT, trade the way you want!

The MBX Marketplace is a platform that supports free trade between users of the MBX ecosystem and NFT. You can buy and sell NFTs in any way you want.

[Reasons to Use MBX Marketplace]

  • Supporting a trading environment specialized for Game NFTs

    -Provide Reveal Function Users can check their NFTs in My NFT on their profile page. Sales can be registered on the NFT detail page owned by the user, and unopened mystery boxes can be revealed.

    -Provision of Information specific to Game NFT In MBX Marketplace, in addition to the property values โ€‹โ€‹in the META data area, which are the unique unchangeable values of an NFT, game properties that are changeable within the game are also displayed. NFT data is stored in a form that cannot be forged or altered, but GAME NFT uses an option called game properties as an off-chain area to reflect growth data such as level-ups in the game.

    -Classification of Collection Specialized in Games Rather than having a single contract for each collection, the service is provided in a structure that divides the group through category classification within one contract, thereby increasing user convenience.

  • Three Trading Methods

    -For an active trading environment, three types of trading methods are supported: 'Buy Now, 'Auction,' and 'Make Offer.

[Fee Policy]

  • Royalty Fee: Each time an NFT transaction occurs, a Royalty Fee is paid to the creator of the NFT. The Royalty Fee ranges from 0 to 2.5%, within which an individual Royalty Fee value is set for each collection.

  • Burn Ratio: Each time an NFT transaction occurs, a Burn Ratio is paid to the MarketPlace. The Burn Ratio is fixed at 2.5%, and 100% of the fee is burned.

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